Korea-Africa Summit, Foreign Minister Cho holding bilateral talks with African foreign ministers

Separately from the bilateral talks, an agreement-signing ceremony was also held with five countries.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yeol held a two-day bilateral meeting with the foreign ministers of Namibia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Botswana, Madagascar, Cameroon, and Mauritania, who visited Korea to attend the Korea-Africa Summit.

Minister Cho welcomed the visit of foreign ministers from African countries to Korea and requested cooperation from African foreign ministers to ensure the success of the Korea-Africa Summit. African foreign ministers highly praised the Korean government's will for cooperation with Africa and announced that they would actively work to expand cooperation between the two sides.

Peya Mushelenga, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Namibia

In a meeting with Namibian Foreign Minister Peya Mushelenga, Minister Cho acknowledged that Namibia has high potential in solar and wind power generation, and that cooperation between the two countries will expand to various fields such as green hydrogen and key minerals. We look forward to working together to make it happen.

Yusuf Maitama Tuggar, Nigerian Foreign Minister

At the meeting with Nigerian Foreign Minister Yusuf Maitama Tuggar, he hoped to further strengthen cooperation with Nigeria, Korea's key economic partner in Africa and the largest recipient of overseas construction orders for Korean companies. Minister Tuga also hoped that more Korean companies would be able to enter Nigeria through this summit.

Frederick Shava, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zimbabwe

In a meeting with Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Frederick Shava, it was acknowledged that high-level exchanges have been active recently in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. In addition, cooperation in various fields between the two countries will be strengthened in the future based on the aviation agreement between the two countries, the Trade and Investment Promotion Framework (TIPF) Memorandum of Understanding and the Memorandum of Understanding for participation in the K-Rice Belt project, which will be concluded at this summit. I decided to do it.


Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita

he meeting with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita evaluated the signing of the Climate Change Cooperation Agreement, the Social Security Agreement, and the Economic Cooperation and Development Fund (EDCF) Contribution Agreement. He especially expressed his hope that more Korean companies would be able to enter Morocco through the EDCF donation agreement.

Lemogang Kwape, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Botswana

In a meeting with Botswana's Foreign Minister Lemogang Kwape, it was agreed that the two countries have developed friendly relations centered on the infrastructure sector while sharing core values ​​such as democracy and freedom. In addition, based on the active high-level exchanges between the two countries that have continued since last year, the two countries decided to expand substantive cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, water resources, agriculture, and health.

Rafaravavitafika Rasata, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Madagascar

In a meeting with Madagascar's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rafaravavitafika Rasata, the active high-level exchanges on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of reestablishment of diplomatic ties last year were evaluated. In addition, in addition to the development cooperation that is actively underway in various fields such as agriculture, health, environment, and infrastructure, we decided to strengthen economic cooperation based on the Trade and Investment Promotion Framework (TIPF) and the Economic Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding signed last year.

Lejeune Mbella Mbella, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon

In a meeting with Cameroonian Foreign Minister Lejeune Mbella Mbella, it was assessed that the two countries have continued to develop friendly cooperation focusing on e-government, health, agriculture, and vocational training since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1962. In particular, the two Ministers evaluated the recent active high-level exchanges between the two countries and expected that the Diplomatic and Official Passport Visa Exemption Agreement concluded at this summit will further promote high-level exchanges and expansion of substantive cooperation between the two countries in the future. 

Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mauritania

In a meeting with Mauritanian Foreign Minister Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug, it was assessed that high-level exchanges between the two countries have become closer recently, including by holding the first summit meeting between the two countries last year to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations. The two ministers agreed that the Trade and Investment Promotion Framework (TIPF) Memorandum of Understanding signed at the Korea-Africa Summit will advance trade and investment between the two countries to the next level.

In addition, Minister Cho expressed gratitude to Mauritania, the AU chair country, for its decision to co-chair the Korea-Africa Summit. Through this meeting, the two Ministers finalized preparations for the meeting as co-hosts of the summit and coordinated the roles of the two countries.

Korea-Ivory Coast Agreement Signing Ceremony

On this day, Minister Cho held a separate agreement signing ceremony with African foreign ministers and signed the Korea-Morocco Social Security Agreement, the Framework Agreement on Climate Change, the External Economic Cooperation Fund (EDCF) Donation Agreement, and the Korea-Mozambique EDCF Framework Arrangement. ) △Korea-Zimbabwe Aviation Agreement △Korea-Cameroon Diplomatic and Official Passport Visa Exemption Agreement △Korea-Cape Verde Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cooperation Memorandum △Korea-Ivory Coast Diplomatic and Official Passport Visa Exemption Agreement, EDCF Framework Arrangement, etc. Each signed.

Korea-Cameroon agreement signing ceremony

Korea-Cape Verde Agreement signing ceremony

Korea-Mozambique agreement signing ceremony

Korea-Morocco agreement signing ceremony
